Agency offers 10 travel tips for a seamless security checkpoint. If you are interested in receiving a monkeypox vaccination, please call us at 75. TSA is prepared for record passenger volumes over the Independence Day holiday period. The Norfolk Health District is working to ensure that residents who have been exposed or are at high risk of being exposed to monkeypox receive a vaccination.

If you are a healthcare provider, please visit the monkeypox website for healthcare providers. Clinical Services tn Opens in new window. For information on monkeypox in Virginia, please visit the VDH monkeypox website. If you have lost your COVID Vaccination Card, CLICK HERE to submit an Immunization Record Request form or call. The Virginia Department of Health (VDH) and the Norfolk Health District are responding to an outbreak of monkeypox that has spread across several countries that don’t normally report monkeypox, including the United States. Visiting the Norfolk Department of Public Health? Please review the masking policy at NDPH. If you have lost your COVID Vaccination Card, CLICK HERE to submit an Immunization Record Request form or call 80. Public Health provides an array of programs including Epidemiology, Emergency Planning, Environmental Health and Vector Control, Nursing and Clinical, Population Health, and Women, Infant and Children (WIC) services. The Norfolk Department of Public Health protects the health and environment of Norfolk through surveillance, service, and enforcement, and through building the capacity of citizens, individually and through neighborhoods, businesses and organizations.